© 2023 Kris Durkin trading as ByKris

About me.

Learn more about me and my commitment to simplifying the complex.

I'm Kris, a freelance web designer & developer with over 7 years of experience.

I believe that a great website goes beyond aesthetics. It's about creating functional and effective designs that prioritise the end user's experience. For me, simplicity and usability are key to crafting exceptional websites.

With a passion for staying up-to-date with the latest design trends and technologies, I constantly strive to expand my skill set and deliver innovative solutions. From responsive layouts to intuitive navigation, I pay meticulous attention to every detail, ensuring that your website engages and captivates your target audience.

Why Choose Me

Experience the blend of tailored solutions, personal attention, and professional expertise that sets my services apart.

Tailored Solutions

Unlike larger design companies, I offer personalised services that perfectly align with your unique needs. I work closely with my clients throughout the design and development process, ensuring that your voice is heard, and your vision is precisely translated into a beautiful, functional website. No cookie-cutter solutions, just custom designs that truly represent your brand.

Quick Turnaround

Working independently gives me the flexibility to dedicate more time to your project without the usual hold-ups found in larger agencies. I'm deeply committed to meeting deadlines, providing top-notch designs and development to ensure your website is ready and performing at its best right on schedule.

Cost Effective

Choosing a freelance web designer can provide significant savings without compromising on quality. With lower overheads compared to larger design companies, I can offer competitive pricing while still delivering high-standard work. You get all the expertise, dedication, and innovation at a fraction of the cost.

Direct Communication

With me, you don't have to go through multiple layers of management to get your point across. I believe in clear, open, and frequent communication, which ensures that your project is progressing as planned and any adjustments can be implemented swiftly. Your vision is at the heart of the work I do, and I keep you involved every step of the way.

Start Your Project

Let's embark on this digital journey together. Start your project today.