© 2023 Kris Durkin trading as ByKris

Web Design.

Crafting visually stunning, user-centric designs is at the heart of what I do.

Multiple iPhones arranged to display visuals of the Phoenix Brewery website design, showcasing a mobile first design approach.

Design with a purpose

A great website goes beyond aesthetics. It's about creating functional and effective designs that prioritise the end user's experience. With my website design service, I offer visually stunning designs that don't just catch the eye - they're rooted in usability and functionality.

Leveraging Figma, a leading design tool, I prototype both desktop and mobile versions of your site, and supply you with the design files ready for development. Beyond just aesthetics, I provide a comprehensive design guide which includes details like fonts used, their sizes, color palettes, and more, ensuring a seamless handover to your developers, whether that's me, or another developer.

How It Works

My website design service typically follows the following steps.

1). Initial Consultation

We start with an in-depth conversation where I get to understand your business, your needs, and your vision for the website. This is an essential step that allows me to create designs that truly resonate with your brand.

2). Design Drafts

After our consultation, I'll get to work crafting the first visual designs. These initial drafts will be presented to you, providing a tangible representation of your envisioned website.

3). Refinement Process

Once the initial drafts are in your hands, we'll collaborate closely to identify areas that may need tweaking or revisions. Your feedback is vital in this stage, as it ensures the final design aligns with your expectations.

4). Design Delivery

After all revisions and final touches, I will provide you with all the finalised design files and prototypes. These are ready for implementation, whether you choose to do it yourself or hire a developer.

Find out more

Read through some of my most frequently asked questions.

What exactly am I receiving with your Website Design service?

My Website Design service provides you with a comprehensive blueprint for your website. This includes detailed static design files - the visual and functional plans for your website - along with a comprehensive design guide, including vital elements like fonts, sizes, and colors. It's important to note, however, that this service does not include the development of a functioning website; it focuses solely on the design aspect.

Typically, these design files and the guide are handed over to a developer who then brings the design to life, transforming it into a fully operational website. If you're looking for a seamless transition from design to development, I also offer Website Development services. By handling both the design and development stages, I can ensure perfect fidelity to the original design and a smooth, efficient process. To learn more about these services, you can read more here.

Will I own the designs once they're completed?

Yes, absolutely. Once the design is complete, it becomes your property to use as you see fit. However, I kindly request to retain the rights to showcase the design in my portfolio or other promotional materials.

What if I have specific design elements or branding that I want to include?

Your brand's unique identity is crucial, and any specific elements you wish to include will play a vital role in your website design. During our initial conversation, I encourage you to share any design elements, visual preferences, or branding components you have in mind. I'm here to listen and incorporate your ideas into the design process.

When it comes to your specific branding and brand guidelines, I am experienced in working within these parameters. I respect the integrity of your brand and understand the importance of maintaining a consistent image. Therefore, I make sure to incorporate these guidelines into your website design, ensuring your site is not only functional and visually appealing but also a true representation of your brand's unique character and message.

Can you redesign my existing website?

Yes, absolutely. If you already have a website and are looking for a refresh, I'd be more than happy to assist. Redesigning an existing website is a great way to improve usability, incorporate new branding, or update the look and feel of your site. We can work together to identify the areas of your current site that you'd like to improve or change, as well as any new features you want to include. I'll then take these insights and create a fresh, modern design that not only enhances your site aesthetically, but also optimises it for improved user experience and performance.

Do you provide source files?

I am happy to provide any necessary design and source files at the end of a project. I understand that my clients may have ongoing design needs, and I want to ensure that they have access to all the files and assets they need to continue building their brand and growing their business.

Start Your Project

Let's embark on this digital journey together. Start your project today.